3 Simple Ways to Think About Pricing

3 Simple Ways to Think About Pricing

If you’re the small business owner who thinks carefully about pricing and NAILS IT from the get go, Congratulations! But you’re not the norm. Most of us start a business and figure it out as we go, with pricing as an afterthought, usually loosely based around what our...

F-Bombs Galore!

Is cursing acceptable in business? When is it okay to curse in the business environment and when is it frowned upon? Growing up, I always believed that cursing was to be done in front of friends and family behind closed doors. But I’ve noticed the foul language...

You Gotta Have Faith

Have you ever heard the phrase “Take a leap of faith”? I’m sure you have as that phrase has been uttered in many circumstances including entrepreneurship. But what is faith? When we discuss the topic of faith in startup entrepreneurship, we’re not referring to the...

Can You Hustle Too Hard?

Yes………you can hustle yourself into burn out mode. And as a matter of fact, I’ve done it myself. The word hustle has become a mainstay among entrepreneurs to describe the grind we all go through to build our businesses. But as with everything in life, moderation is...

Saying No To Customers

The common saying in business is the customer is always right and of course we always want to do everything in our power to comply with their requests, but you absolutely can tell a customer no when the situation calls for it. Unfortunately, the word NO has become a...