A lot of entrepreneurs are not fans of the sales process and it can be uncomfortable for some. But you do need to be able to make sales calls or coordinate some type of onboarding process if you want to be successful.

People give sales a bad rap. The stereotypical sales industry is painted as an annoying phone call during dinner or an asshole door to door peddler. But good sales happens without you even knowing it.

Every interaction you have with a potential customer is a sales call in a way.

If they’re asking for information about your business, it’s a sales call. If they find your website on Google, it’s a sales call. If a friend tells another friend about your products, it’s a sales call.

No matter how the interaction is conducted, it’s an opportunity to sell your products or business. And if you’re not good at hocking benefits and closing deals, focus on telling stories.

We all have stories of some kind. Even if you’re a shy introvert who’s trying to start a graphic design shop. You have a reason and story behind your desire and that’s what you should be telling.

Focus on the why you want to help people and how your product or service will make their lives better. And if you have to, create a fairytale of sorts to help paint the picture of why they should buy what you offer.

But don’t bullshit too much. This is where you’ll seem insincere and you’ll lose trust. Just be yourself and tell the story of why you want to help.


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